
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Budapest - World Tournament 2009

  It's been a long time since we posted here, it was about time to get back to our journey postings.

This time is Budapest - Hungary, a 2 day trip we took back in Oct 2009 for the World Kyokushin Tournament. This was prior to Switzerland trip.
We had a friend coming with us Cristi also a kyokushin karateka.

Got there early in the morning, the tournament started around 11 AM till 9 PM...it was great, interesting and long. We saw knockouts, great fighting spirit and awesome fights.


 Next day was all about visiting Budapest...the Parliament,  The Heroes place, The Citadel and other great places like some of the famous bridges across the Danube.
After that got on the bus and went home taking with us great memories about the Tournament and Budapest the beautiful city.



Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Last day in Zurich

EN - Our last day in Zurich was beautiful , we had all kind of weather but mostly sunshine. In the morning we searched for a coffee bar that has free wifi. Not an easy task, plus most of them open only after 11. We decided to just try it out there sitting on a bench, it worked. Then we moved to the near by coffee shop and had my coffee, it was funny because the coffee shop was an adult xxx style bar ( we won't post those pictures here ... haha ). After lunch at Burger King we slept in the park next to the Zurich National Museum, it was nice and sunny . Now , recharged and fed we choosed a different area to visit, it was a great site as you can see from the photos. After a short rain, the sun came out again, awesome for picture taking. We spent the evening taking photos, although it was getting a little cold. Around 9:30 we decided that we made enough photos for the day ( about 600 ) and we went back to the airport for another night, the last one in Zurich this time. The flight it was short again and I'm writting from Budapest airport now, where is free wifi and we are thinking how to get to the bus station. I will write a full review of the trip at home after I sleep and take a shower, the first one in 4 days.

RO - Ultima zi in Zurich a fost frumoasa, am avut tot felul de vreme dar in general soare. Prima parte a zilei am petrecut-o in cautare de internet wifi gratuit, ceea ce nu e lucru usor in Elvetia. Dupa o vreme am decis sa incerc doar asa intr-o piata si spre norocul nostru a mers. Ne-am asezat pe o terasa din apropiere si am baut o cafea. Abia dupa aceea am observat ca era un bar pentru adulti xxx, nu ne-am asteptat la asa ceva ( pozele alea nu o sa le postam aici ... haha ). Pranzul l-am luat de la Burger King, un fel de Mc'Donalds cu portii mai mari si mai bune, imi placea in America mult. Ne-am asezat pe iarba in parcul de langa Muzeul National al Elvetiei si dupa ce am mancat am si atipit putin la soare, a fost relaxant. Acum , cu forte proaspete am pornit din nou sa exploram si sa vedem alte locuri frumoase si sa mai facem poze. Pe la 21 :30 am decis sa ne intoarcem la aeroport , pentru ultima noapte din Zurich.
Zborul din Zurich a fost scurt , acum ne aflam in aeroportul din Budapesta de unde va scriem si postam pozele si ne gandim cum sa ajungem la statia de unde porneste autocarul spre Targu Mures. Voi reveni cu un rezumat al intregii calatorii dupa ce ajungem acasa dormim si facem un dus, primul in 4 zile.